Friday, 18 May 2012

The Boss of ERP System/Center of an ERP System

Accounting Module is the center of an ERP System, for every other module is directly or indirectly linked with accounts. And most strange of all even Quality Control links to accounting as without Raw Material or Finished Goods passed by Q.C. is not considered to be Purchases or Sales respectively.
Its truly the Boss of an ERP System as every Module links and ultimately reports to the Accounting Module.

Friday, 4 May 2012

System/ERP Analysis

Work of System/ERP Analysis is very much like a game of chess. 
Just like a genius chess player foresees his moves, an analyst too has to foresee the development and implementation moves. If an analyst discovers new things which he failed to foresee during analysis period then its nothing but bad analysis. As those new things discovered during the development or implementation period are the direct cause of the delay in the project by demanding complete re-designing of the System.